Terms and Conditions

Get free Tomato or Onion or Potato 500gms on each delivery after every 6th paid delivery. Max no of free 500gms of potato or onion or tomato is 4, per coupon application

• The offer is applicable only on selected potato/onion/tomato products and subject to availability in the market.
• The offer coupon is valid until 31-Mar-2025.
• The offer is applicable to all bbdaily customers only.
• Customer can get 4 times free product upon 1 coupon application and a maximum of 1 quanity (500gms or lesser) per delivery of the subscribed product after every 6th paid delivery of the product. So every 7th delivery is free. eg: (Paid-Paid-Paid-Paid-Paid-Paid-Free). So customer gets, free product 4 times on this coupon.
• As an example, if you have chosen a daily subscription and the subscription start date is the 1st of any month, then the free product delivery schedule is 7th & 14th and so on. (Please note that the first delivery is not free).
• Free delivery on both paid or free delivery days of the subscribed product. Free delivery not applicable for customers in Mumbai.
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Selected Products For The Offer

Fresho Onion - Organically Grown 5 kg &, Fresho Onion 5 kg &, Fresho Potato - Red 5 kg &, Fresho Potato - Jyoti 5 kg &, Fresho Potato 5 kg &, Fresho Potato New 5 kg &, Fresho Red Onion Skinned - Peeled 1 kg &, Fresho Cherry Tomatoes - Hydroponically Grown 180 g &, Fresho Snibs Tomatoes Pack 250 g &, Fresho Onion - Local, Sukh Sagar 2 kg &, Fresho Sweet Potato 1 kg &, Fresho Tomato Cherry - Yellow, Hydroponically Grown 250 g &, Fresho Onion 2 kg &, Fresho Ooty Potato - Medium 1 kg &, Fresho Spring Onion 500 g &, Fresho Onion - Sambhar 1 kg &, Fresho Potato 2 kg &, Fresho Baby Potato - New Crop 1 kg &, Fresho Potato - Peeled 1 kg &, Fresho Onion - Diced 500 g &, Fresho Sweet Potato - Organically Grown 1 kg &, Fresho Spring Onion - Chopped 250 g &, Fresho Potato - Chinese Koorka 500 g &, Fresho Potato - Chandramukhi 2 kg &, Fresho Potato - Low Sugar 2 kg &, Fresho Potato Pahari - Organically Grown 1 kg &, Fresho Potato 2 kg &, Fresho Fresho Potato Carisma - Lower Glycemic Index 1 Kg &, Fresho Tomato - Cherry 200 g &, Fresho Sambar Onion - Peeled (Small Onion) 200 g &, Fresho Potato - Red 2 kg &, Fresho Potato - Jyoti 2 kg &, Fresho Cherry Tomato - Red, Hydroponically Grown 150 g &, Fresho Onion - Sliced 500 g &, Fresho Tomato - Diced 500 g &, Fresho Potato 1 kg &, Fresho Onion - Organically Grown 1 kg &, Fresho Sambar Onion - Organically Grown 250 g &, Fresho Onion - Sambhar 500 g &, Fresho Onion - Local-Sukh Sagar 1 kg &, Fresho Ready To Cook - Potato French Fries 250 g &, Fresho Potato - Chandramukhi, Organically Grown 1 kg &, Fresho Potato Premium - Low Sugar 1 kg &, Fresho Potato - Organically Grown 1 kg &, Fresho Onion - Diced 200 g &, Fresho Onion 1 kg &, Fresho Sweet Potato 500 g &, Fresho Potato - Wedges 250 g &, Fresho Onion - Thin Sliced 200 g &, Fresho Tomato - Cherry 250 g &, Fresho Sweet Potato - Organically Grown 500 g &, Fresho Potato 1 kg &, Fresho Potato - Diced 200 g &, Fresho Ready to Cook - Potato French Fries 200 g &, Fresho Potato - Red 1 kg &, Fresho Baby Potato 1 kg &, Fresho Organically Grown Tomato - Green 1 Kg &, Fresho Koorka - Chinese Potato 250 g &, Fresho Baby Potato - New Crop 500 g &, Fresho Potato - Chandramukhi 1 kg &, Fresho Spring Onion 250 g &, Fresho Potato - Sliced 200 g &, Fresho Tomato - Hybrid, Organically Grown 1 kg &, Fresho Tomato - Local, Organically Grown 1 kg &, Fresho Potato 1 kg &, Fresho Sweet Potato 250 g &, Fresho Potato - Jyoti 1 kg &, Fresho Spring Onion - Direct 100 g &, Fresho Tomato - Diced 200 g &, Fresho Baby Potato 500 g &, Fresho Tomato - Local 1 kg &, Fresho Onion - Sambhar 250 g &, Fresho Tomato - Green 1 kg &, Fresho Tomato - Hybrid 1 kg &, Fresho Tomato - Hybrid, Organically Grown 500 g &, Fresho Organically Grown Tomato - Green 500 g &, Fresho Spring Onion - With Roots 1 pc &, Fresho Tomato - Local 500 g &, Fresho Tomato - Local, Organically Grown 500 g &, Fresho Baby Potato 250 g &, Fresho Tomato - Hybrid 500 g &, Fresho Tomato - Green 500 g.